Monday 24 April 2017

Judicator Squad Keystone

When the Stormcast are in battle you need not look farther than at the center of the line to find Judicator squad Keystone. Since even before the Aelves went their separate way, Keystone has always been the strong anchor for the rest of the line, silently putting Skybolt arrows where the enemy are pushing the hardest. Lead by Judicator Prime Mazeon Keystone, they have been the constant that has saved more of their brothers from reforging than any other factor.

For April's bonus objective I decided to paint up my Judicator squad. I followed Duncan's how to paint stormcast video because I really like that paint scheme. Also Duncan does many steps in there that I haven't done before, lost of shading and highlighting. I wanted to up my painting game so I tried to follow his example very closely. 

These are all done save for the bases. I am planning on rebasing my whole army, and the bases need to be made separately. It's gonna be my next job, but it will take me a while.

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